Humans and animals share the same basic muscles and bones, but they appear at different sizes, proportion and ratios based on the animal. Bipeds are animals that traverse their environment on two legs, like us humans. Quadrupeds are animals that use four limbs to travel around like dogs, horses, cows, cats, and many other four limbed mammals.
In terms of locomotion, evolution has developed two very common forms of movement using the same muscles and bones. As shown below, humans and dogs share the same groups of bones and muscles even though they have completely different forms of locomotion.
In diagram A, a human man is shown next to a dog, the bones are highlighted on each animal and they are shown to be the same bone but in different proportions and ratios. What many people would think to be a dog’s upper leg is actually its lower leg, and what many people think is it slower leg is actually the equivalent of a human palm.
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